Photo © Adriana Tomeu
Reviews and Quotes
​Press Release for Simply Begin Again
Jazz Journal Review of Simply Begin Again
Review of Intersection on Learn Jazz Standards.com
"Josiah Boornazian is an important future voice in creative and improvised music."
-David Binney
​​"Josiah Boornazian... is an... extraordinary composer... [Josiah's] record is a powerful statement in modern jazz and should definitely be in your collection."
-Brent Vaartstra
"Josiah Boornazian's 20 Advanced Etudes For Solo Saxophone is an inventive exploration of diverse concepts... I highly recommend this exceptional book as an enlightening and inspiring experience. Bravo!"
-Steve Wilson
"It was refreshing... exploring Josiah Boornazian's 20 Advanced Etudes For Solo Saxophone... I highly recommend this book for anyone wanting to reach 'outside the box' of typical etudes."
-Timothy Roberts